Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I want to start right at the beginning with the 1900's. Where should we start? How about the foundation of all fashion... Underwear!

Since the S-bend silhouette was still in mode, women continued wearing corsets and undergarments that would shape their bodies. While many fashion experts of the day touted this look as attractive feminine form, doctor's strongly disapproved of the style. It was incredibly restrictive and limited a woman's daily activities, and a major health risk for women. Style continued to win out over health until the development of the new options for women


An innovative alternative to the corset was developed towards the end of the decade. The "Liberty Bodice" was a major movement in women's undergarments as it was much less restrictive than the victorian corset. At this time, people were still very concerned with good posture. It was seen as a sign of good, natural health, so support would remain a constant for women's undergarments. The Liberty Bodicde was a thick sleeveless bodice that was typically slightly curved. Unlike the corset, it had no boning, but some contained thick cloth strapping (which was intended to improve posture, not constrict). While it still compressed the body to some degree, it was much more comfortable.

It looks like the Liberty bodice would be fairly simple to create...the corsetry is obviously much more difficult. I will probably take on the liberty bodice for this decades final costume. I deifinately want to try a bustle, I'm thinking something like this!

It's actually a pattern from Butterick... I'm not quite ready to take on a pattern for something like this quite yet! But I'm thinking I'll make a body-forming liberty bodice for light support and shaping. I'm thinking I'll make it in a lavendar satin, but I'm not sold on the color yet. Pearl trim and accents, I'll need gloves as well...I'm so excited!

Let me know any of your ideas! I want to know what you all think about the colors or pattern.


My name is Alison, and I am a Fashion student at The Ohio State University. I have a great love for historical fashion and costuming in general. This blog will be my way of documenting my thoughts and projects in discovering fashion through history.

A little background on me... I'm married to a wonderful, hardworking man whom I love dearly. We have 3 dogs, and love the outdoors. I have been sewing since I was young, and plan to pursue a career in the business of fashion.

I will use this blog to document, share, and inspire readers in all areas of historical costuming. I'm really excited about my first project... A Century in a Year. I will be delving into each decade of the 20th century, looking at pop culture and major events, to discover the biggest movements in fashion. My goal after researching the decade is to construction a either a historically accurate or modern re-imagining of a fashion movement of every decade.

I hope all of you will enjoy this blog, and I hope you will commmunicate with me. I'll be looking for tips, hints, and questions. We can learn together! Feel free to e-mail me with any thoughts, comments, or criticisms at...

Happy Styling!